This was the man in the tropical suit, who stood leaning against one of his worrisome crates.
He walked straight up the gangplank and stepped onto the deck, elegant in his white tropical suit.
But here in the City, dressed in a tropical suit.
You must be the only fellow left in the Service who goes to his tailor for tropical suits.
He was wearing a clean white tropical suit, had plenty of money, and looked quite drunk.
Dirk's face was a tiny brown fleck above the white tropical suit, then suddenly his voice.
He was cool and elegant in a tropical worsted suit.
Turning up the collar of my tropical suit, I retreated to the car, wondering whether to take refuge inside it.
He wore a light tropical suit and white shoes, a panama hat and dark glasses.
He wore a light blue tropical suit over a white silk shirt ornamented with small green palm trees.