And who would think of using bougainvillea, that tropical vine that climbs up all over your sun porch, if you're lucky enough to have one?
And tropical vines are not the only game in town.
Supplejack - Made from a tropical American vine, also serves as a cane.
It is a fast growing tropical vine.
An old cottage from the turn of the century is covered with tropical vines.
There are thousands of them, intertwining like tropical vines.
This magnificent tropical vine is easy to grow and pinching it back may help new flowering shoots to form.
Some buildings at this 17-acre historical and botanical site have been restored; others, in ruins, are draped with tropical vines.
There are some tropical vines that develop skototropism, and grow away from the light, a type of negative phototropism.
Mansoa is a genus of tropical, flowering vines in the Trumpet-creeper family.