It trotted back and forth, looking sound enough to her.
Instead of attacking our square, they trotted back and forth along its sides brandishing that awful head.
With one last look at my imprisoned self I trotted forth to freedom.
It was just first light as we trotted forth from the southern exit of Cimolais.
She saw him trot back and forth, quartering the ground, then go down on one knee.
For the next 15 minutes, he trots back and forth between his indifferent females, unable to settle beside one in case the other takes off.
He trotted back and forth for some time in an attempt to locate someone who could relay his messages.
He spends much of the evening trotting back and forth between the two establishments to keep the party going.
All your years of trotting back and forth to England.
She was trotting back and forth before the fence, making no sound.