The dog trotted quietly behind, although it took great care to avoid the touch of the dead, who seemed not to know what to do with the animal.
Then Wulfgar looked past the drow, to where another rider quietly trotted in, his spearhead angled to catch Drizzt in the back.
I throw on my overcoat and step into the pitch-black hall, take off my shoes and start to trot quietly down the twenty-two flights of steps.
The two coyotes quietly trotted down the long, gradually slope to the valley below.
The single horseman trotted quietly down the brush-choked valley.
It had no lead or chain but trotted quietly beside her.
Hydona simply sighed with patience, and trotted quietly behind the wagon.
Then she laid back her ears, and trotted quietly over the crest.
"Marvellous," G.K. would declare, and the whole ensemble would quietly trot back home.
I trotted quietly along, the wheels hardly making a sound on the soft road.