Kara didn't say a word, but Denise had no trouble at all deciphering the exaggerated motions of her lips and tongue.
He continued the gesture, being careful to make each element slow and precise so that she would have no trouble deciphering what he was doing.
Dismé had no trouble deciphering what they were doing.
Kathy didn't miss the look Lydia gave Dalton, though she had trouble deciphering it.
And what little new tech we have grabbed, my scientists, my supposed brilliant experts, are having trouble even deciphering.
And when even the professionals have trouble deciphering pay packages, you know there must be a problem.
She wears state-of-the-art hearing aids, but still has trouble deciphering a group's conversation.
The most observant of her diehard fans had little trouble deciphering the truth: she was three months pregnant.
With these lenses he could read manuscripts penned in very faint letters, which even I had some trouble deciphering.
He had no trouble deciphering her message: Be careful.