"I hear you had a little trouble delivering our memory crystal, Investigator."
He may also have trouble delivering money to support a supercollider project in Texas, another demand tied to the Bush trip.
The Vice President still has trouble delivering speeches, even before friendly audiences, even when his words are defiant.
She knew why Basalom had paused; he always had trouble delivering news he thought might disturb her.
From that location, the station consistently had trouble delivering a reliable program feed to the transmitter site.
The sight had been so horrid and repulsive, she'd had no trouble delivering justice.
But with the economy slowing at least a bit from its feverish pace and retail sales beginning to ease as well, she may have trouble delivering.
The group had trouble delivering grandiose experiments with enough irony and avoids them altogether here.
An economy that had trouble delivering the goods in the best of times is breaking down.
She should have no great trouble delivering.