Bush will have a lot of trouble regaining those that have become deeply dissatisfied with his leadership.
Even though he was prepared, the force of it threw him to the ground, and he had trouble regaining his breath.
Even with drugs, people have considerable trouble regaining control of their lives, especially at work.
Its tail, pinned under the ogre, thrashed about, so that Smash had trouble regaining his feet.
He said that both he and the district had been tainted by the state report and would have trouble regaining the confidence of Newark residents.
I had a great deal of trouble regaining my badly shaken composure.
But after it peaked in the 1970's, it had trouble regaining momentum.
As it was, I had trouble fully regaining my powers of speech.
The Mets had little trouble regaining their perspective afterward.
A Dec. 9 return target date was pushed back after he had trouble regaining his stamina.