She was distressed by his troubled condition, gratified by his fairness, and in- censed by the First's attitude.
On the contrary, the reconstruction cost also became an enormous burden for the shogunate and contributed to its troubled financial conditions.
Analysts say Crazy Eddie's troubled financial condition will probably require that it pass on price increases to consumers, a move that could dampen sales further.
Several Wall Street executives said the troubles with the reverse leveraged buyout offerings were largely a result of the troubled conditions in the market.
That accounted for his troubled mental condition.
Norwegian officials respond that most of Kongsberg's top officers at the time were dismissed last year because of the company's troubled financial condition.
"The government may be justified in taking measures which in less troubled conditions could be seen as infringements of individual liberties," he wrote.
But it is making life even more difficult for those seeking to weather the already troubled economic conditions.
(editorial, Nov. 12) deals admirably with the troubled condition of Germany.
Something about the AC/DC rock pump reduces the complex and troubled human condition to a simple desire to jump up and down.