I even added to the hero worship in a few magazine articles and a book on chief executives at troubled corporations.
Some troubled corporations are trying to cut both the time and the expense of bankruptcy reorganization by taking an approach known as the prepackaged bankruptcy.
According to Irwin Ross, another writer, "Bernays liked to think of himself as a kind of psychoanalyst to troubled corporations."
Secured creditor status for the agency would also reduce the incentive for other creditors to force troubled corporations into liquidation.
Unraveling the sanctions, United Nations diplomats suggest, will involve the kind of legal complexities that go with the court-supervised reorganization of a troubled corporation.
Companies Is the "company man" the best executive to lead a troubled corporation through a painful recovery?
The government watchdog agency, the Financial Supervisory Service, said such companies would be liquidated, easing fears of further potential losses in the banking sector from troubled corporations.
She has made almost a crusade of prosecuting corporate misbehavior, including taking the unusual step of having a federal monitor sit on the board of a troubled corporation.
But by far the most troublesome area, industry advisers and regulators agree, is distressed securities - the bonds, notes and stock of troubled or bankrupt corporations.
Some troubled corporations are trying to cut both the time and expense of reorganizations.