To the professionals who work with troubled couples, however, there's no such thing as the wronged spouse.
Two of the stories deal with troubled couples on the verge of separation.
What are we to make of a teenage boy who lives in a huge hole in his backyard and makes love to troubled married couples?
The troubled couple are paid nothing from the Civil List.
He offers the same advice he would give a troubled couple: the two parties need to start listening to each other, to hear each other's needs.
IT is a common refrain when referring to troubled couples, "Can this marriage be saved?"
The 60-second commercial features a troubled couple in a domestic environment.
Mr. Moschetta feels that their own marriage enables them to serve as role models for troubled couples.
The findings emerge from recent studies, as well as observations of therapists who are seeing more of these troubled couples in private practice.
One troubled couple we know finally broke up.