And for the troubled ones, he put in place a social service staff that includes 18 community developers who work, almost live, in the buildings.
Vorst's blazing eyes found Kirby's troubled ones and held them.
The new schools, however, have begun to recast a few of the most troubled old ones.
And they hope that the bank board can contain the problem by moving more quickly to close the most troubled ones.
As long as we can keep the troubled ones coming, it keeps him away from the cat.
These untruncated heretics were obviously the troubled ones - slackers?
What even in normal times would be a joy is, in these troubled ones, sheer nourishment.
"Sometimes we use dolls to get the really troubled ones talking," Mother Joseph concluded hastily.
The next five minutes were troubled ones for Locklear.
The only thoughts he felt were troubled ones, and his imagination was sadly lacking.