Some, for example, have installed emergency systems where severely troubled patients are automatically referred to a local suicide hot line.
She reflected on some of her most troubled patients over the past few months.
Crusher tried not to glance over her shoulder at her troubled patient.
Here, read how two troubled patients didn't give up on their search for the right diagnosis.
Uncomplaining, his troubled patient dropped out of treatment to avoid further exposure.
For years, psychotherapists have had a wide array of techniques to draw from in helping troubled patients.
As they question the reverend's wife, a former speech therapist, they come across one of her troubled patients, who she tutored at a young age.
Those that were created generally reject the sickest, most troubled and sometimes violent patients.
The next day, Jenny finds the body of Connor, one of the troubled patients who apparently killed himself.
Cities around the state are struggling to help thousands of troubled mental patients.