In addition, representatives from oil and farm states expressed fear that many thrift institutions in their states would be closed because of their troubled portfolios of energy and agriculture loans.
Gordon I. Ulmer, the bank's president, has been asked by the board to coordinate the revamping of the troubled portfolio of real estate loans until a candidate for chairman is found.
The guarantees put the personal wealth of Heartland's founder and president, William J. Nasgovitz, at some risk and show how desperate his company was to unload a troubled portfolio of municipal bonds.
In 1986, he was named to lead the mortgage and construction lending divison, a troubled portfolio that the bank has worked to reduce.
But unlike those who want movie roles, Credit Lyonnais is seeking help managing its troubled $3 billion portfolio of entertainment and media loans.
The decrease in Ahmanson's nonperforming assets to $2.2 billion shows that the innovative strategy of the company to sell off its troubled portfolio is paying dividends.
Administration officials said today that they had scrapped the idea of turning over the troubled portfolio of the foundation.
Shaw declined to comment about its debt binge but a person close to Shaw said that 20 to 1 was an accurate approximation of the leverage in that troubled portfolio.
The possibility that BankAmerica, which suffered its own horrendous loan problems just a few years ago, might drag itself down by taking on Security Pacific's troubled portfolio has always been the big uncertainty surrounding the deal.
Travelers could have avoided taking the real estate charge, but only if it had intended to maintain a passive approach toward its troubled portfolio.