Keeping a calendar or diary of symptoms can help women identify the most troublesome symptoms and the times they are likely to occur.
Difficulty in concentrating is probably the most troublesome symptom for executives and is the focus of most coaching.
Stopping cold turkey can cause an array of troublesome symptoms, the most common being dizziness, which can last for days on end.
But some people may have troublesome symptoms, especially stomach cramps, bloating, and diarrhea.
Surgery can cause new and troublesome symptoms.
When you are ill or having a troublesome smoking-related symptom.
Usually diverticulosis does not cause any troublesome symptoms.
In most cases, the choice of medicine is based on your most troublesome symptom.
But only a few people who have herniated discs have severe or troublesome symptoms.
However, the use of oestrogens can relieve many of the troublesome symptoms.