Steven was taken on by a shopkeeper in linen in Sanlúcar, who had a troublesome and difficult wife.
As the three men engage in a battle of nerves, the story also introduces Ms. Zellweger as a nice girl whom Wayland meets at a peep show (she is flirty but not undressed) and Rosanna Arquette as Kennesaw's troublesome wife.
The words were fervently sincere; if Buntokapi saw fit to exercise his I90 Daughter of the Empire rights as the Ruling Lord of a troublesome wife, and she were sent from the estates to an apartment with a pension and two maidservants, the affairs of the Acoma would pass forever from her influence.
Cerdic comments, however, that if Cynric had exhibited any signs of the same political cunning that he possesses himself, he would have dealt with him as he did with his own kin and with his troublesome wife (Cynric's mother).
Wolf argued to a Baluba chief "how wrong it was to sell their own wives, ... [and the chief said], rather in confidence, that they only sold their troublesome wives out of the country, never the good ones."
So, the King fell in love with the fair Anne Boleyn, and said to himself, 'How can I be best rid of my own troublesome wife whom I am tired of, and marry Anne?'
"The Butterfly That Stamped" - how Solomon rid himself of troublesome wives, and saved the pride of a butterfly.
And there is still the problem of disposing of your troublesome wife.
They are joined by Karl-Oskar's brother, Robert, another family that is escaping religious persecution, and a man running away from a troublesome wife.