To Marriott's foes, the poor performance of the limited partnerships fits that troubling pattern.
He has established a long and consistent and troubling pattern.
That continued a troubling pattern for the Mets against Ortiz.
This is a troubling pattern and begs a thorough investigation.
This is a troubling pattern, especially now that President Bush has said he will base his decisions about Iraq on the latest intelligence reports.
And yet, those three incidents, plus the time I spent online shopping for just the right stick, constitute a troubling pattern of behavior.
Tuberculosis rates throughout the nation have shown a troubling pattern of resurgence.
My legal review revealed the troubling pattern of his willingness to modify settled law in criminal cases.
Nevertheless, she worries that her moves herald a troubling pattern.
These cases highlight a particularly troubling pattern, in which the regime represses the progressive voices it claims to champion.