Other women have troubling symptoms like hot flashes and insomnia as they approach menopause that warrant treatment with hormones.
But treatment may be needed if a rapid heartbeat causes troubling symptoms.
The good Doctor here may be able to address your most troubling symptom.
The fatigue is often accompanied by other troubling symptoms, such as chronic pain.
And about 600,000 women every year have a hysterectomy - removing their uterus to relieve troubling symptoms.
"Are there any troubling symptoms you would like to share with me?"
It can cause a range of troubling symptoms from pain to fatigue.
The study also found that some men were far more willing than others to tolerate the ailment's troubling symptoms, such as difficulty urinating.
Most women normally have one or more troubling physical and emotional symptoms between the time they ovulate and the first days of their menstrual period.
The treatment of Tourette's focuses on identifying and helping the individual manage the most troubling or impairing symptoms.