In 1993 it had the highest truancy rate of schools in England.
The Philadelphia school district has the fourth-highest truancy rate in the nation.
Other problems in local schools include low test scores and high truancy rates.
Earning money in school would decrease truancy rates and teach the young the value of work, he said.
The question is, Can you drive down truancy rates, reduce violence and make other improvements with those donations?
The region has the highest overall truancy rate in England for both urban and rural areas.
Information about truancy rates will be available to parents.
School officials say they will introduce the program in about 200 schools with the highest truancy rates.
The district's overall truancy rate rose to its highest level in eight years, increasing to 40.2 percent from 38.5 percent the year before.
At some city schools the truancy rate was greater than 80 percent.