But what can't be resold is trucked away - and dumped in a nearby landfill.
Much of the drinking water is trucked from lakes miles away, to save heating a supply pipe.
Other Serbs said the mosque had been dynamited and the rubble trucked away, leaving the site as a parking lot.
They said doctors told them many more casualties had been trucked away by soldiers.
The rest - more than one million tons a year - is trucked away.
Most reactors were built with the idea that their waste would be trucked away after a matter of months or a few years.
In contrast, at a typical transfer station recycling takes second place to assembling huge loads to be trucked away.
The messy piles of garbage were now tossed into a compactor to be trucked away.
Their farm equipment was sold at auction, the cows trucked away to a new home.
The original tenants, some of whom lived there for 23 years, were trucked to another town more than 100 miles away.