The trucks bore down upon them and then braked as they saw the palm trunks that blocked the road.
The truck braked before the house.
A truck two hundred and fifty yards or so ahead of them was braking sharply.
The truck braked to a halt and began reversing, and the last drops fell against his lips.
"But the problem is at night, when everything else is mostly quiet, then we hear the buses starting off, the trucks braking," she says.
She was jerked awake when the truck braked abruptly and the driver switched off the ignition.
The truck had braked to an emergency stop, then the gauss charge had fried everything electrical.
He made it to the bottom just as the trucks braked outside; Bonney charged towards the entrance.
The truck was braking quickly, and Bolan veered to the right again to give himself another clear shot of the interior.
The truck braked to a stop.