Her office, on the other hand, looks like a truck full of fakes crashed into it.
Two military trucks crashed into each other while retreating from the city, and dozens of vehicles were left behind.
G-8 swung to that side to cut them off and the truck crashed into the car.
A truck crashed into a pillar and caused a section of track to fall.
Local officials panicked at possible safety risks, and then a truck crashed into a sign outside.
As of June, 2013 the ceiling is being raised because trucks were crashing into it.
On 06/12/1965, two trucks crashed into a crowd of dancers, killing 125 people.
As the truck crashed, thugs came tumbling to the ground, to be overwhelmed by police.
She was killed while her truck crashed and fell into an inner tunnel.
Five others were wounded by bullets or injured when the truck crashed.