You'll work out your bond-debt like a true Klingon.
The entire matter disgusts him as it would any true Klingon, and he wants it resolved.
A sense of vulnerability no true Klingon would have permitted himself.
It was painful for her to look at him-but being a true Klingon, she forced herself to do it any- way.
A true Klingon wouldn't care about profiting from his enemy's defeat.
The Roshenkos had tried to raise him as a true Klingon, but they had not fully succeeded.
No true Klingon would ever break it.
Later, another member of the crew taunts Alexander about not being a true Klingon, as he was raised by humans, and a fight breaks out.
How could a true Klingon be happy here?
A true Klingon would have ended his life in glory, choosing a valiant enemy to battle his way to death.