But true aficionados like the other seasons as well.
Only the true orchid aficionados look on with any discretion.
A true aficionado, reduced by age or other factors to plodding along the roads, would continue his interest in track as a spectator.
But for a true aficionado, he said, every single ride - even in the same exact seat - is different.
For the true aficionado of vintage there is only one destination right now: Toronto.
He ain't what you call a true aficionado of country music.
For the true aficionado, only the cells of the living body will do.
But for true Coach aficionados, leaving the tag on is, well, gauche.
A lot of it isn't going to draw mass audiences, but it's important to acknowledge the true aficionado.
But the author is clearly a baseball addict, a true aficionado of the game's special, exquisitely slow suspense.