But senators from both sides used the issue as a stage to cast themselves as the true defenders of Senate rights, responsibilities and traditions.
In that context, the tiny Socialist band sees itself as the true defender of workers' rights.
But the true defenders of the Constitution are those who resist such court-ordered dictations.
Nevertheless, she and other children have a diffuse sense that the Vietcong are the true defenders of Vietnam against the foreigners.
He suggested that he is the true defender of Israel's security and Jewish life.
Pakistan has long portrayed itself as the true defender of Kashmiris and their call for independence.
Missy is the true defender of the group.
We will be the " true defenders of this land and we will avenge her rape by the foreigners!"
Dag said his was to be called Hollrvarda, because of the three, his blade was the only true defender.
No true defender of the Public Schools will believe me if I say that I was tired.