In many ways, some styles of modern cross-stitch can be seen as the true descendants of Berlin work.
At the same time, the conclusion, "love if you can," expressed in such rhapsodic music, makes him his grandfather's true descendant.
It has no doubt that the Beats still have true descendants, and that they keep the faith.
"We are the true descendants of Abraham," he added.
The deadpan tone here shows Alexander to be a true and worthy descendant of the line.
The true descendant of the early operating systems is what is now called the "kernel".
The true descendants of Mohammed would at last take their rightful place.
Since birth he had been taught that the Trackers were the only true descendants of those who lived before the Holocaust.
"I am a true descendant of the Atreides."
Would-be heirs have popped up all over Europe claiming to be true descendants of the Bourbon line.