The ultimate prize is the top category, called Amaranth, which offers (to the fortunate few) true immortality.
What's worse, the Miracle is not true immortality as people still age and grow old.
Euthanasia: Technology exists to extend life, perhaps to the point of true immortality.
It is same as'amaratva, which refers to true immortality.
And so is my true immortality, she thought, clenching her hands as she waited for nightfall.
But ultimately, I postulate, true immortality can be found only in space.
Fellig, however, is the only character, out of the three, to possess true immortality.
In the episode "Avatar", he makes an attempt at true immortality.
They had merely begun their journey towards true vampiric immortality.
He had attained true immortality at last; physical reproduction had become irrelevant.