Precisionism's true originality lay in its subject matter and outlook.
It's a measure of the true originality of "Rhapsody in August" that it has not been a major festival hit.
Sanin is a novel of true originality of form and content.
But Dr. Steger said he was still mystified by the sources of true originality and inventiveness.
The 1980s saw Canada support and promote many of its own talent in pursuit of true originality.
Last year our reviewer, Miranda Seymour, said the book demonstrates "both scrupulous historical research and true originality of voice and perception."
His simply stated, quite practical clothes - carried out in fresh colors and marvelously inventive patterns - have true originality.
He has turned parody - which is, after all, mimicry - into an act of true originality.
This problem of style arises in part from the choice of technique, and here lies the true originality and great strength of the book.
Sui generis stories such as this demonstrate Borges's true originality.