Bloomfield believed Rachel was a true portrayal of a working woman in the 21st century, stating, "Rachel represents many modern women.
The movie is easily the truest portrayal of fashion culture since "Unzipped," the 1995 documentary about Isaac Mizrahi.
The veteran baritone Leo Nucci, celebrating his 2,000th performance in opera, delivered a vocally rich and stylistically true portrayal of Monforte.
Its portrayal of United States presidential politics as a shallow popularity contest rings frighteningly true.
MS Australia attended a meeting with the Neighbours writers to help develop a realistic and true portrayal of the diagnosis, symptoms and treatments.
With this luminous, stylistically informed and emotionally true portrayal she showed that she could galvanize the Met's stage in a major role.
Yet Rodin continued to ask for extensions on time making over fifty studies and continuously distanced himself from a true physical portrayal, tending towards a more psychological representation.
It is finally a true portrayal of this complex relationship.
Mover also conducts many of the interviews, making for a much more personal and true portrayal of the life and career of the featured artist.
LEE: I want to be remembered for honest, true portrayals of Afro-Americans and for bringing our great richness to the screen.