He taught that true repentance does not involve self-inflicted penances and punishments but rather a change of heart.
Instead they thought that the sinners should only need to show contrition and true repentance to be welcomed back into the church.
And since no man knows when he shall die, he is prudent if he lives each day a life of true repentance!
So I suppose that was not true repentance.
A confession full of falsehoods was no sign of true repentance.
This links with the overall theme of John's preaching that true repentance is the only path to salvation.
Her expression was controlled and gave no hint of true repentance.
If ever I had a grain of true repentance for a vicious and abominable life for twenty-four years past, it was then.
To reconcile the difference, the wrongdoer must show remorse and true repentance, however, trivial.
There must be true repentance in order to obtain absolution; I must reject my sin.