Some considered them bandits, but to others they were true revolutionaries who worked for the peasants.
Director Martyn Burke also noted in an interview that, "Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the true revolutionaries of our time.
We are true revolutionaries.
"The way I heard it," I said slowly, "true revolutionaries have to be willing to kill their own families."
"If they were true revolutionaries, you and I would be following them," he said.
People have long taken different sides on their evaluation of Zapata and his followers: some considered them bandits, but to others they were true revolutionaries who worked for the peasants.
By the time of my first vision, I was already aware of the work being done by the true revolutionaries of the church.
Yet, withal, in the beginning he was a true revolutionary with a capital R, and we, the world's truest revolutionaries, disinherited him.
Such things as honeymoons were disdained by true revolutionaries.
While many of the leaders were of socialist or anarchist leanings, few of their supporters were true revolutionaries.