"Spoken like someone who's never had to deal with a true villain," said Xyon.
Looked at objectively, she is the true villain in the novel, driving the majority of the conflicts.
He is the only true villain in the series.
But we mustn't let our fear mask the true villains - the ones who arm them.
After these encounters, the twins finally realize that Magneto is the true villain.
"I wanted to show that the true villains of our world don't necessarily wear costumes."
Because of this, he wasn't always a true villain, but sometimes just a selfish individual with no evil agenda.
Over the past decade or so, Americans turned the tobacco industry into the great common foe, a true corporate villain.
There is never much doubt as to the identity of the true villain.
Especially when I had done nothing wrong, and the stick-people were the true villains.