Her writings reflect a traditional orientation toward sentimentalism and the cult of true womanhood.
The chaotic world of gender impersonation settles into one of blissful morality, and Lucy accepts the conventions of the cult of true womanhood.
The characteristics of "true womanhood" were described in sermons and religious texts as well as women's magazines.
In its yin aspect, it is the soft receptivity of femininity, of true womanhood.
In his majority opinion, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy suggested that a pregnant woman who chooses abortion falls away from true womanhood.
I mean to restore her to true womanhood.
She stands for all that represents true and virtuous womanhood.
A laurel wreath represents the victory of true womanhood, while the sun symbolises light and energy, and the crescent moon stands for youth.
The cult of domesticity, also known as the cult of true womanhood (by people who like it), is a view about women in the 1800s.
None but a pure man can understand women-I mean the true womanhood that is in them.