Having apparently voted overwhelmingly for independence from Indonesia, the people of East Timor face a truly daunting and dangerous future.
But the army assembled before them was truly daunting.
And all this red ink flows even before the nation is expected to face some truly daunting fiscal challenges.
And the only truly daunting chore you'll have is to train a successor.
A large portion of the trails are rated expert, but only the double black diamond runs are truly daunting.
If someone in Okinawa had detected him, they'd have to unravel a truly daunting maze.
The result has a truly daunting and disturbing quality, as if mental dissolution were taking place from page to page.
If enlisting several hundred pastors in the archdiocese's plans for change has not been easy, reaching the average Catholic is truly daunting, several church officials said.
The general task facing conservationists is truly daunting, and by now well known.
Because the season now lasts through May, apportioning this total becomes truly daunting.