The Tau, however, do not register in the Warp and therefore cannot truly enter it.
The concept of justice had never truly entered the thoughts of Virginia Dodge before.
The therapist can then truly enter into that experience and from there express her/his own subjective experience.
Almost anyone can touch Tel'aran'rhiod, but few can truly enter it.
It was under Carolingian rule that Saintonge truly entered recorded history.
At last we were truly entering the white, aeon-dead world of the ultimate south.
It is only when Jews escape religion's hold that they truly enter the world.
But to truly enter free agency there has to be solid communication between management, the scouting department and the coaching staff.
Instead, it is choosing to go beyond its role of making proposals by truly entering into the realms of provocation.
It seems to me that this is the only way cultural Europe can truly enter the 21st century.