That said, it's truly ironic that Nike, a big bully of a corporation if there ever was one, is seeking the protection of the First Amendment in this fight.
"It's truly ironic that the only person charged so far in this case is the person who came forward," said Christopher Riley, one of Mr. Lundwall's lawyers.
The truly ironic thing was, they had been working at cross-purposes, and she hadn't even known it.
Truly ironic were some of the mundane communications hassles presented at Telecom.
A 'Truly Ironic' Verdict Lawyers on both sides said the trial was filled with contradictions and strange turns.
"It is truly ironic they convicted Steinberg of first-degree manslaughter," said William M. Kunstler, a leading New York criminal defense lawyer.
You know what's truly ironic?
It would be truly ironic if Kevin did not outlive him.
Do you want to know the truly ironic thing?