Though the audit studies can't be used to truly measure how much a name matters, the California names data can.
"And in studies where they can truly measure things, measure hormones in the body, all of these have come up with objective benefits."
Nor do they truly measure the qualities necessary for a well-rounded education - from independent reasoning to creative thinking.
How can you truly measure success?
And while the "hold" category cropped up about 15 years ago to reward middle relievers who protected leads, they still do not truly measure their effectiveness.
The question is if your experiment truly measures the rate of wax burning, or if something else is happening causing the cold candle to go out first.
Such raw figures are misleading, however, and do not truly measure intimacy: the volume of the Dallas house is 928,000 cubic feet, compared to Carnegie's 857,000.
Don't the doctors say now that the only way to truly measure death is by the death of the mind?
That figure does not truly measure the amount of "quality space" available, Mr. Leibler suggested.
Only through comparison can we truly measure the progress we're making.