Steinbrenner seemed to say that if Cashman was truly miserable, he would have to prove it by quitting.
He sounded truly miserable, much worse than when he had swallowed the pen.
And then came the truly miserable rumor that Michael Jordan just might be retiring.
He looked truly miserable, though, and Cindy felt sorry for him.
If you are truly miserable because of a stressful job, it may be time to think about changing jobs.
What, then, my truly miserable fellow-sinner and fellow-worshipper, what are we to do?
It seems likely, however, that instead of merely making many unhappy, as the current arrangement does, such a solution would render everyone truly miserable.
There are some truly miserable people commenting on this.
He didn't like the wind here very much - it had a truly miserable voice!
I'd been having a truly miserable day until you showed up.