She was truly pleased, and she didn't disbelieve his claim.
Without any apparent jealousy, the Rossak girl seemed truly pleased for him.
Turning, Nobu saw that although his father was smiling, the old man did not look truly pleased.
I told him in detail about Ted Pitts's house, and he sounded truly pleased.
"This is what everyone longed for, and I am truly pleased."
Bemused, he realized that she was truly pleased to have the program done, so that they would not default on a deadline.
I know one of your old miners who would be truly pleased to have only a partition wall between you and him.
That truly pleased Viridovix, to have the man he had beaten come to respect him.
And indeed, he sounded truly pleased to see us.
Your concern and sense of honor mark you, girl, and truly pleased am I that your rewards are greater than those you sought.