If the light of God truly shines within you, then you must use it.
It never truly shines in this tale, which toggles between grim and uplifting.
That being did not truly shine with life - it was a cold creature of darkness, dripping warm mud.
Even in such quality company, one young woman truly shone.
Now Belton's eyes were truly shining with excitement.
The effect is of a temple where the spirit of the art on view can truly shine.
It's in the arguing that Bugliosi, as a former prosecutor, truly shines.
Dreadcentral.com said about the director, "Gierasch truly shines," and went on to say, ".
Its flaws may not be glaring, but there isn't a single aspect of the game that truly shines through.
Nonetheless, the film has a lively style, a galvanizing score and some dance numbers in which the star truly shines.