Finally, there is the crew cab with a truly usable back seat where two adults may ride with dignity.
Many enthusiasts regard the D2000 as Canon's first truly usable Digital SLR.
This is the first truly usable jet engine.
The compartment lid folds down to reveal deep and spill-proof indents for beverages, and there is a truly usable ashtray in there as well.
MacApp was perhaps the first truly usable framework in all meanings of the term.
Smoke tanning was what made animal hides truly usable.
Archos, on the other hand, has the first truly usable video pod on its hands - a little rough in spots, but otherwise ready for prime time.
At the time, this was quite special, and resulted in the widespread acceptance of AA and AF as truly usable features.
It is ideal for mobile entertainment but also truly usable for computing tasks such as editing text, pair programming, general web-surfing, etc.
And you need to be able to apply the power of the devices, the network, to harness that information and make it truly usable by people.