An acrid stink of molten metal and something truly vile, something like dragon urine, perfumes the air, as does the leaden stench of despair.
As this monologue-prone philosopher considers his relationships with wives, friends, family and history itself, he comes to see that man is truly vile.
You are truly vile!
Aloia's stories are populated by both the mediocre and the truly vile - those ready to do anything in order to satisfy their "sacred hunger for gold".
Between their off-and-on magics and some truly vile concoctions, even if it hurts, I tend not to care, if that makes sense.
The vast majority are truly vile.
Some truly vile comments have been posted online following the conviction.
And the film takes off again when Ra appears, for he is truly vile and high-tech.
He had a truly vile suggestion he was kind enough to share with her.
They were "truly vile people," Irving declares, though he declines to name them or their organization.