The trustees have hired a new teacher and it's a lady.
He continued, "I have a theory that when trustees hire a president, they say: 'We need more money for development.
In late May, the trustees hired Benjamin Dixon, who is also black, as interim superintendent.
In an effort to supervise the agency more closely, the trustees earlier this year hired a private construction-management company to audit every project.
The trustees of Otterbein College hired him as soliciting agent, a post he served for eight years.
The trustees instituted changes to insure that faculty members hired at the 37-year-old school believe that the Bible is literally true and without error.
The trustees finally decided that the museum was suffering from lack of direction and hired Mr. Rogers to make changes.
After securing the finances and the land the trustees hired Richard Holmes Powell as the school president.
The trustees have now hired two part-time researchers to gather information before decisions are made.
In the 1940s, the work load at the hospital placed further demands on staff, particularly nurses, who influence trustees to hire the first volunteer coordinator.