The trustees may refuse to accept her as a beneficiary or may require any benefits to be divided with other individuals.
As dissent grew, records show, the trustees refused to accept direct communications from the faculty.
On May 23, the trustees met again and refused to take any further action until the original name was restored to the village.
When the war ended in 1918 the trustees refused to renew her appointment.
But the two newly re-upped public trustees can and should refuse them.
As the meeting broke up, departing trustees refused to comment.
Permission was granted, but the trustees refused to go ahead with the proposal.
Thirteen trustees, including Macartney, refused to do so and resigned in 1936.
The trustees refused to admit her as they believed she would be a distraction to male students.
The trustees refused to do so, and voted 27 to 1 not to renew the contract.