If they say yes, then try to hold yourself together and, as calmly as you can, give a truthful response.
You get the impression that he is looking for a diplomatic yet truthful response.
Although it was a truthful response, it seemed unsatisfactory.
He chose a tactfully truthful response.
They've both found truthful and vivid responses to the miracle.
Barjin's quiet chuckle told him that the priest might have mentally compelled such a truthful response.
The answer is a truthful response that had previously given to that question on a questionnaire.
If only criminals would realize it, lying was the second worst response to a police question, surpassed only by the danger of truthful responses.
Stern avoided answering, fearing the consequences of a truthful response, since all phases of a criminal prosecution were, in fact, terminated by death.
Whereupon Congress may have received the first truthful response from an Administration official since the conspiracy was blown.