The surgery would end the Stouts' fight to try alternatives to surgery for their daughter, Rachel.
Raw materials - these must be fit for their purpose, but try sourcing suitable alternatives that are more carbon efficient.
Some state legislators, whose support will be needed for trying alternatives to prison, are becoming willing to try something new.
The state is also trying managed-care alternatives for Medicaid patients, which do not cover drugs and dental care.
They used to count on the loyalty of older patients and physicians who were reluctant to try alternatives.
While the state and the city have tried such alternatives as putting cages around the birds nests, little has stopped the piping plover's decline.
Trying natural alternatives at this point.
However, he did increase palm oil plantations in order to try and develop economic alternatives.
"We have reluctantly had to eliminate several courses because of decreased enrollment, but we've always tried other alternatives first."
The purpose the record serves is to permit backtracking - that is, reversing earlier decisions and trying alternatives.