He said he tried by various means, including crossing his fingers and using a Southern accent, to show that he was under coercion.
However, the government will try by extra-legal means to compel those who are found to need more to obtain it.
Engineers in Carnot's time had tried, by means such as highly pressurized steam and the use of fluids, to improve the efficiency of engines.
Then they tried obvious and inventive ways, by ordinary or magical means, of escape.
I have tried all my life the fight by non-violent means.
I will try, by every fair and legal means, to get my client off - without regard to the consequences.
He said the government would fight back "tenaciously and toughly, no matter how these people try to defend themselves, by blackmail and other means."
These were the last time anyone tried to "oppose" Janet Rogers by such means.
Studies of this kind try to count individual deaths, by various means.
When people feel that they have been the victim of unjust decisions, they may try and seek justice by less conventional means such as violence.