He was tried and convicted for his role in the massacre.
Three leaders of the AEL however will be tried for their leading role in the unrest and riots after the 2002 murder.
Four years later, Lee was finally accosted by the U.S. government and tried for his role in the massacre.
Not since the Gang of Four were tried for their role in the Cultural Revolution has the Government prosecuted such a senior political figure.
Fugate was tried for her role in the murder spree.
Smith was tried for his role in the scandal following the fall of the UFO government.
He was later tried and executed for his role in the Catastrophe of 1922.
Years later, a group of soldiers whom Reder had commanded in 1944 were tried and convicted for their role in the Marzabotto massacre.
Eight conspirators were tried and convicted for their role in the conspiracy by a military tribunal.
She was tried for her role in the escape, and was heavily fined, but not released.