But against a defender of lesser experience, a trap can be tried in the reasonable hope that he will tumble into it.
I tried to hide my hands from the other cadets," Paris continued, "in the hope that no one would see.
Still, we try, in the hope of lessening human misery by our efforts.
While some Hopi wanted to fight the invaders, it was decided to try a peaceful approach in the hope that the Spanish would eventually leave.
I wanted desperately to try vanishing again in the hope of healing, but my last attempt had knocked me out.
For years we have tried to listen to them, in the hope they would provide a clue.
A bad heart break was now quite likely, so he tried three no-trump in the reasonable hope that his partner held some spade strength.
She did want to try the dolomite, in the hope that it would cure Burgess.
"That's right; he'll try anything in the hope it will maim somebody."
I have tried to identify the bad ones, in the hope they might be responsibly addressed.