The tube used EIA base 7AC in common with many other power tubes.
Over the next twenty years, transistors displaced tubes almost completely except for very high power, or very high frequency, uses.
Modern inner tubes use synthetic rubber, and, in fact, most tires are now tubeless).
Use him, don't use him, blow him out a photon-torpedo tube for all I care.
Early tubes used a metal or glass envelope atop an insulating bakelite base.
Large transmitting and specialized tubes often use more exotic getter materials, such as zirconium.
Very-high-power tubes of small physical size may use evaporative cooling by water in contact with the anode.
Now, he said, blood is drawn from all patients using the tiny tubes once used only for babies.
She was holding a couple of steaming canisters with tubes in them-you can't use anything else in space and it was, after all, a spaceship.
Changing the length of the vibrating air column by lengthening and/or shortening the tube using a sliding mechanism.