Today the Sisters run schools, leprosaria, tuberculosis wards and homes for the dying.
In a crowded tuberculosis ward, 18 of the 33 patients are confirmed to have the virus that causes AIDS.
Even as death approached, Breakwell was teaching the Bahá'í Faith to other patients in the tuberculosis ward where he was confined.
Mr. Love paid for his own education by washing dishes and working in a tuberculosis ward at Denver General Hospital.
The tuberculosis ward on the top floor was isolated from the others.
For instance, Mr. Davis, said it was only recently that Rivington House was required to have a tuberculosis ward.
Skring sounded like a planetary tuberculosis ward of wheezing, gasping, and sucking in of air.
While working in the tuberculosis ward, she contracted the disease herself but made a full recovery.
Mr. Rodriguez had determined that the youth had failed to report because he was in a tuberculosis ward on Roosevelt Island, having been committed there by a civil court order.
Mrs. Dube, one of the two counselors, works in a wooden cottage behind the tuberculosis ward.